Adoptable Mini Roomz
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How to Adopt a Mini Room

Step 1: Right click on a room or group of rooms and copy

Step 2: Open an imaging program like MSPaint or Paint Shop Pro

Step 3: Paste

Step 4: The entire group of rooms will apear so box off the one want and copy it

Step 5: Go to new on the file menu and paste your room

Note: If you post one of my rooms on the web make a link to my site and please don't claim them as your own. These rooms took a lot of work to make so don't even think of posting them without a link. If you see one of these rooms on different site with no link back to my site they have stolen it from me. If you find a stolen room e-mail me or post a note in my guest book telling me the URL of the site you found it on. Thank you for helping.

Mini Roomz
These are great to put your dolls in (if you figure out how) or just displaying!!! If you can't figure out how to put your dolls in the rooms use my Roomz with Dollz (below). Please Link Back!!!
I finnaly have rooms with dolls in them!!! I linked it to a really cool room maker site (with dolls) so you could make some of your own!!!! Just click on the rooms with dolls!!!!! You can still use mine as long as you link back!!!